lundi 25 octobre 2010

MSP Boot Camp 2011 ! It’s your time to shine !


Saturday, October 23, 2010 was an extraordinary day !

80 tunisian brilliant students was chosen this year to be Microsoft Student Partners.

The MSP Boot Camp was full of fun, joy and knowledge from the professional guests.

Here is the agenda:


Mme Leila Charfi presented the Microsoft Innovation Center programs for students:


Mr Mohamed Romdhani presented the certification program:


Mr Mohamed Ghodhben presented an overview of the project management:


I presented our experience in Imagine Cup 2010 in Poland :


Ahmed Kaddour MSP presented IE9 and Hamza Fessi MSP presented the activity of his club in Insat.


This event took place in “Dar Zaghouan”, a place from paradise.



MSPs had so much fun, they had the ability to know each other in a very relaxing mood..



The entire Group.. 80 MSPs full of motivation, innovation and dreams !!


dimanche 17 octobre 2010

Lunch of the Startups program 2010 in Microsoft Innovation Center

Friday, October 15, 2010 Microsoft Innovation Center, Tunisia hosted the official launch of the annual sponsorship of startups that Microsoft was chaired by Mr. Walid Abu-Hadba, Corporate Vice President of Development and Platform Group, Microsoft Corporation.

Mr. Walid Abu-Hadba presented Microsoft's strategy to support the software industry and the programs put in place for the development of innovative startups Tunisian. He shared the vision of Microsoft on the development of innovative technology projects and new business areas with strong growth potential such as cloud computing and Mobility.

  • Welcome & Introduction by Mme Leila CHARFI – Director of The MIC


I was asked to give the definition of cloud computing


  • Mr Walid ABU-HADBA’s speach


Mr Walid’s speach was realy amazing, it was devided into three major parts:

Dream Big !

You have a choice : you lead or you follow behind.. if you follow you will die.. so lead dream create !!

You can do it !

Very useful speach for every country to dream, create and lead !

Microsoft Student Partners present in the event: