vendredi 6 janvier 2012

An article to close this blog

Hello everyone,

A quick update to tell you what happened in my life lately and to close this blog:

- I get married to Julien Dollon.


- We moved to San Francisco


- I am working at Logitech


And the most important part is that I am enjoying my life with the love of my life Smile

I will develop a new personal & professional website:

Here is a blog in which my husband and I talk about our adventure:

To catch me:

samedi 25 juin 2011

What happened in my world these 6 months

Hello everyone, I did not blog since 6 months and I am sorry about it Tire la langue

So Let’s see what happens for me lately..

The first one is about Developing in the cloud Azure: Rendez vous des experts - Développez votre back office sur le cloud / Part


The second one was about Windows Phone 7 Mango New features :

That was really fun to talk about technology that I love in front of a camera, I really enjoyed it !! Rire

  • I was in an article in a French News paper, I was interviewed by Viadeo


Although it was personal but I liked it, and It’s kind of cool to see my face on a French news paper Sourire

  • Travel

I visited Amsterdam, Although I was a little shocked compared to my education towards a few things I can not mention, but it's still a beautiful city.

  • Personal but Important

I found the love of my life and I’m going to marry him this September <3

  • Work , work and also work

During those 6 months I was in a mission in Natixis. I must be at work at 9am and I leave at 7 pm (at least). For the first time in my life I discovered the Banking/Finance part witch is really interested, but I missed the fact that I can be on the top of technologies, doing presentation and being a living part of the community.. Now my mission takes end 30 Juin 2011 and I hope to find something that I really enjoy !

Conclusion : Enjoy every moment of your life, every second is important and enjoyable Tire la langue Trust me I know what I  am saying Clignement d'œil

dimanche 27 février 2011

Microsoft TechDays 2011 : Visual Studio 2010

Interview with Benoit lenais  : Chief Product and Development
Unit Visual Studio 2010.

PS: The video is in French subtitled in English

Enjoy Clignement d'œil


samedi 26 février 2011

My Windows Phone 7 Book

I’m considering myself as a very lucky person, actually I received a windows Phone Book dedicated from it’s authors.

The book’s name is: Windows Phone 7 : Developpez avec Visual Studio, Silverlight et XNA (yes It’s French)

Thank you Florent Santin for this amazing gift!



dimanche 13 février 2011

Microsoft TechDays 2011 : Sharepoint

Interview with Pro Sharepoint from the French Club Moss during the Microsoft TechDays 2011.

PS: The video is in French subtitled in English

Enjoy Clignement d'œil

samedi 12 février 2011

Microsoft TechDays 2011 : Windows Phone 7

Interview with a Windows Phone Developer Evangelist at Microsoft.

PS: the video in French, subtitled in English.

Enjoy Clignement d'œil

Microsoft TechDays 2011 : who’s hiding behind the Twitter and Facebook account ?

Let’s discover how’s hiding behind the TechDays Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Viadeo and LinkedIn account in video:

PS: the video is in French , subtitled in English Clignement d'œil

Enjoy !

vendredi 11 février 2011

[Microsoft TechDays 2011] Welcome .. and stay tuned..


Stay tuned for more videos... interviews with professionals about Azure, Windows Phone, Entity Framework, Sharepoint, Visual Studio 2010 and a lot more ;-)

The videos are in French but I’ll try to make an English subtitle for each one.

samedi 5 février 2011

Fail Conference .. selon moi

Mardi 01 février 2011, centre de conférence de Microsoft France; j’étais à une super conférence intitulée “Fail Conference” .. une conférence qui parle de l’échec et comment l’éviter et rebondir après.. Une conférence avec un sucée énorme !

Voici une vidéo que j’ai enregistrée le soir même quand je suis revenue de la conférence (la qualité n’est pas bien mais j’ai essayé)


jeudi 30 décembre 2010

What happened in my 2010?

2010 was really a great year for me. A year full of accomplishments, prizes, competitions, challenges and dreams !!

On the professional side, here's what impressed me most during this year :

  • I was Microsoft Student Partner .. again Sourire 1
  • I participate in a competition on TV and i won the 3rd place.
  • I participate in IE8 Dev Challenge and i won the 2nd place
  • I participate in another competition on TV and i won the 1st place
  • I participate in Imagine Cup 2010 Tunisian finals: i got the 1st place with my team “DotNET Champions”.
  • In the same day i was elected as “Best Microsoft Student Partner for Tunisia”.


  • I defended my graduation project (17/20) and i got my diploma of computer engineer.


  • I got certified MCTS WPF.
  • I participate in Imagine Cup 2010 finals in Warsaw, Poland.


  • I won an ultimate msdn account from a French MVP Lavocat Fabien .(Thank you Fabien Sourire )


on the personal side:

  • Travel:
    • I went to Germany: recklinghausen, munster


    • Belgium: Brussel


    • Poland : Warsaw


    • France : Paris


  • Some cool Stuff:
    • Cool Sports:


    • Playing with Surface


    • Playing with Kinect for Xbox 360.
  • Doing presentations and helping my friends understanding Silverlight and Azure.
  • Launch my own Web Radio, getting my friends working with me for a while.. we had a great time!
  • Being part of a Child support association (ASSEN) , I’m very happy to get involved in such a voluntary work to help children in need.

During this year, I learned how to focus on what we want and what we love, how to smile to difficulties, how to lie on our dreams !!

So, my friends, my only advice for you is to dream!

Dream about something big! and you will see how this dream will change your life Clignement d'œil