lundi 26 avril 2010

[WPF] Mon Interview avec Bernard Fedotoff

Lors de la journée du lancement de Microsoft BizSpark Camp et le Lancement des Technologies Visaul Studio 2010, .NET Platform 4.0 et les nouveautés de SQL Server 2008 R2; j'ai eu la chance de faire la connaissance de Monsieur Bernard Fedotoff: Microsoft Regional Director et Directeur de Agilcom; avec qui j'ai fait cet interview de 2mn.
Un Monsieur très sympa, très cool que je remercie énormément pour les conseils hyper intéressants qu’il m’a donné pour ma carrière et mon futur.

mercredi 21 avril 2010

Lancement de Microsoft BizSpark Camp au Microsoft Innovation Center – Tunisie.

Dans la perspective de soutenir davantage les nouveaux projets innovants réalisés en Tunisie et garantir le succès et la pérennité des jeunes entreprises tunisiennes opérant dans le domaine des TIC, Microsoft vient de lancer, mardi 20 avril 2010 au Centre d'innovation de Microsoft au Pole Technologique d'El Ghazala, le «BizSpark Camp», nouveau programme pour les startups.
La cérémonie du lancement du nouveau programme «BizSpark Camp» a été marquée par la présence de M. Mohamed Naceur Ammar, ministre des Technologies et de la communication.
L'après-midi était consacrée au lancement des nouvelles technologies de développement et de gestion de projets Microsoft.
«BizSpark Camp» comporte des formations managériales dédiées aux jeunes promoteurs, des ateliers techniques pour les chefs de projets IT et développeurs outre des formations en ligne sur l’adresse:

Agenda de la journée:


En tant que Microsoft Student Partner, j’étais invité à cette journée.

Voici quelques photos:


Programme de la matinée:

2 3

5 4

Programme de l’après-midi:

8 10 9 11 7 6

lundi 12 avril 2010

Visual Studio 2010 & Silverlight 4 launch !

Des que je me suis connectée ce matin j’ai ouvert pour voir s’ils ont déjà mi Visual studio 2010 pour que je le telecharge, mais j’ai oublié qu’ici en Tunisie, on est en 12/04/2010 avant l’USA :-D loool

16h en Tunisie, 8h en USA Las Vegas, le lancement de Visual Studio a commencé. a changé de page d’acceuil:


Channel 9  passe la journée live! c’est extraordinaire!


Les spectateurs peuvent pauser leurs questions à partir de twitter @ch9live .


dimanche 11 avril 2010

The Dream of my Life !

jeudi 8 avril 2010

A Doorway into the IT Industry

The goal of Microsoft Students to Business (S2B) is to help tech grads transition into the IT Industry. Today, the program is more valuable than ever before, partly because our economic recovery won’t be as jobless as we once feared (check out this story from The Economist).


But the need for a resource like S2B also grew last March when the Computing Research Association (CRA) discovered that computer science enrollment had increased for the first time in six years. “The upward surge of student interest is real and bigger than anyone expected,” said Chair of the CRA Peter Lee. “The fact that computer science graduates usually find themselves in high-paying jobs accounts for part of the reversal. Increasingly students also are attracted to the intellectual depth and societal benefits of computing technology.”

    Interest in IT jobs had been dwindling since the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, but the appeal of tech positions seems to have rebounded. The CRA’s claim is based on the findings of its 39th annual Taulbee Survey, in which more than 190 universities participated. While we’ll have to wait a few more weeks to find out what this year’s results are, research suggests the news will be good.


IT Jobs in Demand, Certifications Count

Like most graduates, young people preparing to enter the IT job market face a catch-22: to be employable, you need experience. And to get experience, you need a job. The consequent frustration of these conditions is discouraging and often compounded by financial commitments such as student loans. But aspiring IT professionals have an advantage that most of their fellow job hunters don’t, in that they can prove their competence by getting certified.


  “For new college graduates, a certification in programming says, ‘I know about more than the theories and models we learned about in school,’” wrote Bart Perkins in a Computerworld article. “With so many job seekers to choose from, employers need to quickly identify those who have the skills they seek.”

  Perkins wasn’t exaggerating when he said the job market is brimming with candidates. Last year, CareerBuilder reported a large percentage of companies receive more than 75 resumes for each of their open positions. Moreover, the website had nearly 26 million unique visitors in just one month - the highest in company history.

  In addition to helping employers triage the many resumes they receive, Perkins says certifications demonstrate an individual’s desire to remain current in a field that’s always changing. No wonder they’ve become so popular recently. Since 2005, the number of certified IT pros has doubled and Microsoft has added 40 certifications to its offering, according to Perkins. “For me, the question isn’t whether you should get a certification; it’s which certification you should pursue.”


  Think Microsoft certifications give inexperienced job hunters a better shot at finding work?

Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

Looking for a job? Microsoft Students to Business will help you find IT positions that use Microsoft technologies in your country.


Young Entrepreneurs Thrive in IT Industry

The IT industry has always been a breeding ground for innovation. Old technologies are reinvented and new ones are regularly released, making IT more valuable to more people. The tech biz has limitless potential when it comes to innovation, and that’s why it attracts young people. From the 1970s when a student founded Microsoft up until today, there’s always been room for the innovation of the student entrepreneur.

Fast Company recently profiled young brothers Jimmy, Luke, and Mark Dickinson, for instance. Together, the Dickinsons developed a web-based education application that allows multiple students to learn using a single computer. And there are also the students of the B.V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology in Hubli, Karnataka, India. They worked with the USHAS Center for Exceptional Children to develop activities for handicapped kids, reports IEEE. The Walking Tutor and Chitra Vallari are modules that help children get physical and cognitive exercise.

In any business and in any country, students are in the forefront of today's innovators – technology and otherwise.

Want to enter the IT industry? Visit Microsoft Students to Business to learn how.

mardi 6 avril 2010

Half Final of Imagine Cup Tunisia 2010


Imagine Cup Tunisia 2010….New potentials new challenges, new dreams….

The party of selections for finals has already began locally in each university…

Tuesday 6 April was the turn of the faculty of Sciences of Tunis.…5 Teams were participating in the name of DotNet+ Club...only three of them won the tickets to the finals which will be organized this year in Manouba , Friday 30th April…

The event started 2pm with a welcome speech from the Computer Science department head Mr.Samir Moalla followed by an encouragement speech from Mr.Hafedh Yahmadi : DPE Lead and triggred by a thank speech from Boughattas MarweN : Microsoft Community Leader in Tunisia 2010….jury

A jury of six persons ,which are : Mr.Samir Moalla, Mr.Soussi Imed, Mrs.Torki Ahlem, Mr.Yahmadi Hafedh,Mrs.Jemni Leila, Mrs.Benslema Yosr, was in time to select the top 3 ideas…a guest of honour was present to encourage young enthusiast challengers which is Mr.Mohamed Moalla who didn’t hesitate to give his remarks to some teams….

23 ambitious student were ready to compete with a strong will and powerful determination…six great ideas were presented successively by the teams which are: .NetChampions, NetMasters, Revolution Team , Safety Leaders and….Three presentations were in English the other two were in French….3 hours of a mixture of hard work and fun….

In the first side each member of the jury was eager to know more about each application in the other side each member of each team was ready to defend his idea and prove his dream …..

a tough choice was made to select the best ones…all works were highly qualified and extremely appreciated but the Finals of the Imagine Cup Tunisia 2010 contains only ten teams qualified as the best of the best so as a result of the local competition : deliberation

.NetChampions team composed of four MSP and engineering Students: Boughattas MarweN , Atitallah Soumow, Chalouati Hani and Othmani Rabeb.

.NetMasters team composed of four engineering Students: Ben Rhouma Wafa :MSP , Troudi Azer,Abroud Nawres and Guerbouj Ibrahim.

Safety Leaders team Composed of 3 engineering students and one LFStic: Oueslati Marwa, Namouri Zied, Geryeni Seifeddine and Zwawi Sawssen

Were the top 3 teams of the show of yesterday….the road is long but the end seems promising…good luck for the finalists and good work to the rest….let the best leave his imprint and make the difference!….

The Teams:


NETMastersNETMasters SafetyLeadersSafetyLeaders

RevolutionTeam RevolutionTeam


By Wafa Ben Rhouma

dimanche 4 avril 2010

My Interview with Microsoft Feed

MicrosoftFeed is a Middle East focused blog where they are highlighting different Microsoft related news, events, products, softwares and activities. It is the only and one of it’s kind blog of the region. Their audience includes Students, Developers, Designers, Bloggers and Managers from this region.

I'm very happy to be the first Tunisian MSP interviewed by Microsoft Feed, here is the link :