jeudi 8 avril 2010

A Doorway into the IT Industry

The goal of Microsoft Students to Business (S2B) is to help tech grads transition into the IT Industry. Today, the program is more valuable than ever before, partly because our economic recovery won’t be as jobless as we once feared (check out this story from The Economist).


But the need for a resource like S2B also grew last March when the Computing Research Association (CRA) discovered that computer science enrollment had increased for the first time in six years. “The upward surge of student interest is real and bigger than anyone expected,” said Chair of the CRA Peter Lee. “The fact that computer science graduates usually find themselves in high-paying jobs accounts for part of the reversal. Increasingly students also are attracted to the intellectual depth and societal benefits of computing technology.”

    Interest in IT jobs had been dwindling since the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, but the appeal of tech positions seems to have rebounded. The CRA’s claim is based on the findings of its 39th annual Taulbee Survey, in which more than 190 universities participated. While we’ll have to wait a few more weeks to find out what this year’s results are, research suggests the news will be good.


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